Google DKIM

If you use Google Workspace for your domain-based email service where we manage your domain, here are the instructions for establishing the DKIM record which we can then attach to your domain to improove your email security

This update is required as part of a global strategy to reduce email spam and scams as announced by Google & Yahoo earlier this year

For the full set of domain settings foir email see our SPF • DKIM • DMARC • WTF advice

Step 1

DNS Host name (TXT record name):


TXT record value:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAgsNFYXh+RwvoXL122E4ywRJSm8IZ/RAMFSFhAw3Mq8sjAaAYdHkKCT3vbYg5LB9VY0VnMbAIOOPaMYCW0TwmVe3JxPUhPNYUJtN32Ddufi0pNyz2Ums3vsmYnFxj3bJzHxsFeWkpcgl9rSPGixGHy+IPonQPueIaoZ2U2vQGIBmZM1CEcntkvELFLJ3o/it8cKytOapz2aBkCGpy3Lq9/X/Z2/6EnMquO2qIczqvrEUSvTbMm8w6KivRyH2bsVRyv+67nnN74v5zXe1UTItxQyZWbNT8QrOYMpF17FcGCUXSnY4BBH6qOJsr+0Zdh9qDkdTAtZpRd7bnEQ8sVFMnjQIDAQAB

Step 2

Step 3

In which case you have established that your domain is authenticating DKIM