Google DKIM
If you use Google Workspace for your domain-based email service where we manage your domain, here are the instructions for establishing the DKIM record which we can then attach to your domain to improove your email security
This update is required as part of a global strategy to reduce email spam and scams as announced by Google & Yahoo earlier this year
For the full set of domain settings foir email see our SPF • DKIM • DMARC • WTF advice
Step 1
Open your Google Admin Console
Search for DKIM
Choose DKIM Authentication
If no DKIM record has been established you will see the folloiwng screen
Choose Generate New Record
Accept 2048 DKIM key bit length
Accept google Prefix selector
Choose Generate
Highlight the following right-click on the highlighted text and choose Copy
DNS Host name (TXT record name):
TXT record value:
v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAgsNFYXh+RwvoXL122E4ywRJSm8IZ/RAMFSFhAw3Mq8sjAaAYdHkKCT3vbYg5LB9VY0VnMbAIOOPaMYCW0TwmVe3JxPUhPNYUJtN32Ddufi0pNyz2Ums3vsmYnFxj3bJzHxsFeWkpcgl9rSPGixGHy+IPonQPueIaoZ2U2vQGIBmZM1CEcntkvELFLJ3o/it8cKytOapz2aBkCGpy3Lq9/X/Z2/6EnMquO2qIczqvrEUSvTbMm8w6KivRyH2bsVRyv+67nnN74v5zXe1UTItxQyZWbNT8QrOYMpF17FcGCUXSnY4BBH6qOJsr+0Zdh9qDkdTAtZpRd7bnEQ8sVFMnjQIDAQAB
Paste into a new email and send it to
Make sure you Copy & Paste so that we can do the same our end, a screenshot just won't do!
Step 2
Wait for us to come back in a day or two
We need to allow time for the new DKIM record to fully propagate
Access your DKIM Authentication screen as above
Choose Start Authentication
You may see the following error message
In which case, try again the next day
If it does not work after 48 hours have passed, please contact us
If it does work, you will see the following
Yes, this is dumb, nice one Google
If you can see Stop Authentication then DKIM is indeed authenticating
If you accidentally click Stop Authentication you can immediately choose Start Authentication and you will be fine
If you accidentally click Generate New Record we need to start the process again
Step 3
We will do this check, but you can also do it yourself
Browse to
You should see a green banner like this, it does not matter what the content is, it must be green
Scroll down where you will see a number of green ticks as well