Google Gmail

Reliable, sECURE, SPAM & SCAM Protection, and Free*

Switching to Gmail (it's OK, you can keep your existing email address as well!)

Enable 2-step Verification

Converting to Google Workspace [Gmail] from Outlook

We understand that the majority of our business customers, and a decent percentage of our customers generally, have used Microsoft Outlook for their email for a decade or more.  So when we suggest a change to the Gmail web interface we do meet with some resistance!

So we have created a web page to cover the most common questions we get asked and the issues that our customers encounter when they changeover.  We cannot change the fact that it looks different, but the benefits of changing are significant, check it out here.

 * when we say free, we mean Google does not charge you for their Gmail email service, but you do need to be OK with Google sending adverts your way from time to time.  Those adverts can be targeted, ie based on your interests, or much broader, depending on your preference.