Lincoln Computer centre

Port Lincoln, South Australia

Asus Lumina OLED Laptops SG 14/10/24

Lincoln Computer Centre now offer a range of Asus Lumina OLED Laptops in various sizes and styles, including the ever popular 2-in-1 Lap-Tab format.

Lumina OLED is Asus's latest generation of OLED displays, known for its exceptional vibrancy and quality, superior colour accuracy and adaptive brightness.

Interested in upgrading to an Asus OLED Laptop? 

Email or visit our store for a demo. You won't be disappointed 😎👍

Business / General Purpose

2-in-1 / Education

We are getting a new streetscape! GW 16/5/24

The last piece of the Washington Street jigsaw is in the planning stage and Council has sent us a Concept Plan which looks pretty good to us.  All of the residents and property owners between Eyre Street and Porter Street have been and are being consulted prior to the final plan being implemented.

As a customer of LCC, please let us know if you have any thoughts about this proposal which we can add to our feedback

We are looking forward to

Very exciting! Email if you have any thoughts!

22.3014 - Consultation Plan - Washington Street.pdf

Epson EcoTank Printer Comparison GW 20/2/24

Our friends at Epson have compiled an excellent running cost comparison between the Epson EcoTank range which usses ink bottles and their cartridge-based printers, the difference is astonishing and the higher initial cost of the printer is well worth it over the life of the printer

EcoTank vs Epson XP/WorkForce Range PDF

Scam Presentation GW 23/3/23

I regularly get asked to make presentations to groups about scam awareness and protection and I am very happy to do it.

This presentation was created for a session at Linc 'n Learn at the Unity Hill Uniting Church in Port Lincoln and another session with a similar group at Tumby Bay the following week

I have simple messages in a complex online world

Scam Presentation

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